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Amelanchier canadensis - Shadblow Serviceberry

Amelanchier canadensis '(clump)' - Shadblow Serviceberry (clump)

Amelanchier canadensis 'Spring Glory' - Spring Glory Serviceberry

Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM166' - Low Scape Hedger® Aronia

Berberis thunbergii 'Arlene' - Sunjoy Sequins® Japanese Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Helmond Pillar' - Helmond Pillar Japanese Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Koren' - Sunjoy® Citrus Japanese Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Maria' - Sunjoy Gold Pillar® Japanese Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Miruzam' - Midnight Ruby Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'O'Byrne' - Sunjoy® Tangelo Japanese Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow' - Rose Glow Japanese Barberry

Buxus 'Conrowe' - Gordo™ Boxwood

Buxus 'Green Mountain' - Green Mountain Boxwood

Buxus 'Green Velvet' - Green Velvet Boxwood

Buxus microphylla 'Bulthouse' - Sprinter® Boxwood

Buxus microphylla 'Eseles' - Wedding Ring® Boxwood

Buxus sempervirens - Common Boxwood

Buxus sempervirens 'Katerberg' - North Star® Boxwood

Callicarpa 'NCCX2' - Pearl Glam® Beautyberry

Calycanthus floridus 'SMNCAF' - Simply Scentsational® Sweetshrub

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens' - Duke Gardens Plum Yew

Chaenomeles speciosa 'NCCS4' - Double Take® Peach Flowering Quince

Chaenomeles speciosa 'Scarlet Storm' - Double Take® Scarlet Flowering Quince

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confucius' - Confucius Hinoki Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' - Fernspray Hinoki Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis' - Slender Hinoki Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Graciosa' - Graciosa Hinoki Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Melody' - Melody Hinoki Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' - Nana Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' - Boulevard Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Dow Whiting' - Soft Serve® Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'FARROWCGMS' - Soft Serve® Gold Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' - Golden Threadleaf Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's Gold' - King's Gold Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Lemon Thread' - Lemon Thread Falsecypress

Citrofortunella x microcarpa - Calamondin

Citrofortunella x mitis 'Variegata' - Variegated Calamondin

Citrus 'Honeybell' - Honeybell Orange

Citrus 'Minneola' - Minneola Tangelo

Citrus hystrix - Kaffir Lime

Citrus japonica 'Nagami' - Nagami Kumquat

Citrus limon 'Variegated Pink Eureka' - Variegated Pink Eureka Lemon

Citrus reticulata 'Satsuma' - Satsuma Mandarin Orange

Citrus tangerina - Tangerine

Citrus x limon 'Meyer Improved' - Improved Meyer Lemon

Citrus x meyeri - Meyer Lemon

Citrus x meyeri 'Meyer Improved' - Improved Meyer Lemon

Citrus x paradisi 'Ruby Red' - Ruby Red Grapefruit

Cornus alba 'ByBoughen' - Neon Burst™ Dogwood

Cornus alba 'Elegantissima' - Silver Variegated Dogwood

Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo' - Ivory Halo Dogwood

Cornus baileyi - Bailey Red-Twig Dogwood

Cornus sanguinea 'Cato' - Arctic Sun® Dogwood

Cornus sericea 'Baileyi' - Bailey's Red Twig Dogwood

Cornus sericea 'Farrow' - Arctic Fire® Red Twig Dogwood

Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' - Yellow Twig Dogwood

Cornus sericea 'Isanti' - Isanti Dogwood

Cornus sericea 'Neil Z' - Pucker Up® Red Twig Dogwood

Cornus sericea 'SMNCSBD' - Arctic Fire® Yellow Dogwood

Cotinus coggygria 'Cotsidh5' - Velveteeny™ Purple Smokebush

Cotinus coggygria 'MINCOJAU3' - Winecraft Gold® Smokebush

Cotinus coggygria 'NCCO1' - Winecraft Black® Smokebush

Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' - Royal Purple Smokebush

Cytisus 'Lena' - Lena Scotch Broom

Cytisus scoparius 'Madame Butterfly' - Madame Butterfly Scotch Broom

Cytisus scoparius 'SMNCSDRY' - Sister Rosie® Scotch Broom

Cytisus x burkwoodii - Burkwood's Broom

Deutzia gracilis 'Duncan' - Chardonnay Pearls® Deutzia

Deutzia gracilis 'Mincream' - Creme Fraiche® Deutzia

Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' - Nikko Deutzia

Diervilla 'G2X885411' - Kodiak® Red Diervilla

Diervilla sessilifolia 'LPDC Podaras' - Cool Splash® Bush Honeysuckle

Diervilla splendens 'El Madrigal' - Nightglow™ Diervilla

Enkianthus perulatus - White Enkianthus

Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' - Compact Winged Burning Bush

Euonymus alatus 'Hayman' - Unforgettable Fire® Burning Bush

Euonymus alatus 'Odom' - Little Moses Burning Bush

Euonymus alatus 'Select' - Fire Ball® Burning Bush

Euonymus fortunei 'Alban' - White Album® Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' - Purpleleaf Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' - Emerald Gaiety Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n' Gold' - Emerald 'n' Gold Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei 'Ivory Jade' - Ivory Jade Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei 'Moonshadow' - Moonshadow Wintercreeper

Euonymus fortunei 'Roemertwo' - Gold Splash® Wintercreeper

Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Manhattan' - Manhattan Spreading Euonymus

Forsythia 'Northern Gold' - Northern Gold Forsythia

Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' - Lynwood Gold Forsythia

Forsythia x intermedia 'Spring Glory' - Spring Glory Forsythia

Fortunella crassifolia 'Meiwa' - Meiwa Kumquat

Fothergilla major 'Blue Shadow' - Blue Shadow Fothergilla

Fothergilla major 'Mt. Airy' - Mt. Airy Fothergilla

Ginkgo biloba 'Chi Chi' - Chi Chi Dwarf Ginkgo

Heptacodium miconioides 'SMNHMRF' - Temple Of Bloom® Seven-Son Flower

Hibiscus 'Pollypetite' - Pollypetite® Rose Of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'America Irene Scott' - Sugar Tip® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Antong Two' - Lil' Kim® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Bricutts' - China Chiffon® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana' - Diana Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Double Pink' - Double Pink Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Double White' - Double White Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'DS01BS' - Blueberry Smoothie™ Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'DVPazurri' - Azurri Blue Satin® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Floru' - Violet Satin® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Gandini Santiago' - Purple Pillar® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Gandini van Aart' - White Pillar® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Helene' - Helene Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'ILVO347' - Orchid Satin® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'ILVOPS' - Purple Satin® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'JWNWOOD4' - Pink Chiffon® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Marina' - Blue Satin® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Mindoub 1' - French Cabaret Blush Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Minrosa' - Rose Satin® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Minsyrou17' - Paraplu Rouge™ Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Minsywhi07' - Paraplu Pink Ink® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodone' - Lavender Chiffon® Rose Of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodthree' - Blue Chiffon® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'Notwoodtwo' - White Chiffon® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'SHIMRR38' - Lil' Kim Red® Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus 'THEISSHSSTL' - Sugar Tip® Gold Rose of Sharon

Hydrangea 'SMNHSC' - Let's Dance Arriba!® Hydrangea

Hydrangea 'SMNHSI' - Let's Dance Can Do!® Hydrangea

Hydrangea 'SMNHSME' - Let's Dance Sky View® Hydrangea

Hydrangea arborescens 'SMNHALR' - Lime Rickey® Smooth Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive' - Summer Crush® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer' - Endless Summer® The Original Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Berlin Rabe' - Cityline® Berlin Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Berner' - Let's Dance Big Easy® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blushing Bride' - Blushing Bride® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hokomabebos' - Kimono™ Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lindsey Ann' - L.A. Dreamin'® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lynn' - Let's Dance® Starlight Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'McKay' - Cherry Explosion™ Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Paris Rapa' - Cityline® Paris Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Penny Mac' - Penny Mac Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-I' - Twist-n-Shout® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' - Bloomstruck® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'QUFU' * - Tilt-A-Swirl® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Red Sensation' - Red Sensation Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'SMHMES14' - Let's Dance® Rhythmic Blue® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'SMHMTAU' - Let's Dance® Blue Jangles® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'SMNHML' - Wee Bit Giddy® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'SMNHMSIGMA' - Let's Dance® Rave® Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Stragrum' - Wee Bit Grumpy® Hydrangea

Hydrangea paniculata 'SMHPFL' - Fire Light® Hydrangea

Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPK' - Fire Light Tidbit® Hydrangea

Ilex 'Centennial Girl' - Centennial Girl Holly

Ilex 'Rutzan' - Red Beauty Holly

Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' - Shamrock Inkberry Holly

Ilex glabra 'SMNIGAB17' - Gem Box® Inkberry Holly

Ilex verticillata 'FARROWBPOP' - Berry Poppins® Winterberry

Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy' - Jim Dandy Winterberry

Ilex verticillata 'NCIV1' - Little Goblin® Red Winterberry

Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' - Red Sprite Winterberry

Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' - Winter Red Winterberry

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Boy' - Blue Boy Meserve Holly

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Girl' - Blue Girl Meserve Holly

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' - Blue Prince Meserve Holly

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princess' - Blue Princess Meserve Holly

Ilex x meserveae 'China Boy' - China Boy Meserve Holly

Ilex x meserveae 'China Girl' - China Girl Meserve Holly

Ilex x meserveae 'Hachfee' - Castle Spire® Meserve Holly

Ilex x meserveae 'Heckenstar' - Castle Wall® Meserve Holly

Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point' - Blue Point Juniper

Juniperus chinensis 'Mountbatten' - Mountbatten Juniper

Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa' - Hollywood Juniper

Juniperus chinensis 'Trautman' - Trautman Juniper

Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone' - Gold Cone Juniper

Juniperus scopulorum 'Blue Haven' - Blue Haven Juniper

Juniperus scopulorum 'Wichita Blue' - Wichita Blue Juniper

Juniperus virginiana 'Taylor' - Taylor Redcedar

Ligustrum ovalifolium - California Privet

Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' - Sunshine Privet

Ligustrum vulgare 'Swift' - Straight Talk® Privet

Ligustrum x vicaryi - Golden Privet

Ligustrum x vicaryi 'NCLX1' - Golden Ticket® Privet

Lonicera caerulea 'Kuchi' - Yezberry® Maxie™ Japanese Haskap

Lycium barbarum 'SMNDBL' - Big Lifeberry® Goji Berry

Lycium barbarum 'SMNDSL' - Sweet Lifeberry® Goji Berry

Magnolia 'Ann' - Ann Magnolia

Magnolia 'Jane' - Jane Magnolia

Magnolia stellata - Star Magnolia

Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' - Royal Star Magnolia

Philadelphus 'Snowbelle' - Snowbelle Mockorange

Philadelphus 'Snowwhite Fantasy' - Snow White™ Mockorange

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Bert Dart's G' - Festivus Gold® Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May' - Little Devil™ Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Fireside' - Fireside® Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Jefam' - Amber Jubilee™ Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Lady In Red' - Lady In Red Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Mindia' - Coppertina® Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Nanus' - Dwarf Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward' - Summer Wine® Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMNPMS' - Summer Wine® Black Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMNPOBLR' - Ginger Wine® Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMNPOTWG' - Tiny Wine® Gold Ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMPOTW' - Tiny Wine® Ninebark

Picea abies 'Gold Drift' - Gold Drift Norway Spruce

Picea abies 'Pumila' - Pumila Norway Spruce

Picea glauca 'Big Berta' - Big Berta White Spruce

Pieris japonica 'Cavatine' - Cavatine Dwarf Japanese Pieris

Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff' - Dorothy Wyckoff Japanese Pieris

Pieris japonica 'Flaming Silver' - Flaming Silver Japanese Pieris

Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire' - Mountain Fire Japanese Pieris

Pieris japonica 'Scarlet O'Hara' - Scarlet O'Hara Japanese Pieris

Pieris japonica 'Valley Valentine' - Valley Valentine Japanese Pieris

Pinus densiflora 'Golden Ghost' - Golden Ghost Japanese Red Pine

Pinus mugo 'Mops' - Mops Mugo Pine

Pinus mugo 'Valley Cushion' - Valley Cushion Mugo Pine

Pinus mugo var. pumilio - Dwarf Mugo Pine

Pinus parviflora 'Blue Angel' - Blue Angel Japanese White Pine

Pinus parviflora 'Catherine Elizabeth' - Catherine Elizabeth Japanese White Pine

Pinus strobus 'Niagara Falls' - Niagara Falls Eastern White Pine

Pinus thunbergii 'Thunderhead' - Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine

Prunus 'Eubank' - Sweet Cherry Pie™ Cherry

Rhamnus frangula 'Ron Williams' - Fine Line® Fern Leaf Buckthorn

Rhododendron 'LAVJ2011' - Dandy Man® Purple Rhododendron

Rhododendron 'PKT2011' - Dandy Man® Pink Rhododendron

Rhododendron 'UMNAZ 493' - Electric Lights™ Double Pink Azalea

Ribes alpinum - Alpine Currant

Rosa 'About Face' - About Face Rose

Rosa 'Angel Face' - Angel Face Rose

Rosa 'Ausnyson' - Lady Of Shalott Rose

Rosa 'Boscobel' - Boscobel Rose

Rosa 'Brandy' - Brandy Rose

Rosa 'Carding Mill' - Carding Mill Rose

Rosa 'Cherry Parfait' - Cherry Parfait Rose

Rosa 'Chewhocan' - Oso Easy® Lemon Zest Rose

Rosa 'Chewnicebell' - Oso Easy® Italian Ice® Rose

Rosa 'ChewPatout' - Oso Easy® Urban Legend® Rose

Rosa 'ChewperAdventure' - Oso Easy® Mango Salsa Rose

Rosa 'Cinco de Mayo' - Cinco de Mayo Rose

Rosa 'Crown Princess Margareta' - Crown Princess Margareta Rose

Rosa 'Darcey Bussell' - Darcey Bussell™ Rose

Rosa 'Easy Does It' - Easy Does It Rose

Rosa 'FARROWRSP' - Oso Easy® Hot Paprika® Rose

Rosa 'Flower Carpet Amber' - Flower Carpet Amber Rose

Rosa 'Flower Carpet Coral' - Flower Carpet Coral Rose

Rosa 'Flower Carpet White' - Flower Carpet White Rose

Rosa 'Flower Carpet Yellow' - Flower Carpet Yellow Rose

Rosa 'Gold Struck' - Gold Struck™ Rose

Rosa 'HARwelcome' - Livin' Easy™ Rose

Rosa 'HORCOGJIL' - At Last® Rose

Rosa 'Iceberg' - Iceberg Rose

Rosa 'JFK' - John F. Kennedy Rose

Rosa 'KORberbeni' - South Africa® Sunbelt® Rose

Rosa 'KORfizzlem' - Lemon Fizz™ Kolorscape® Rose

Rosa 'KORfloci01' - Cream Veranda® Rose

Rosa 'KORfloci08' - Brilliant™ Veranda® Rose

Rosa 'KORgeowim' - Earth Angel™ Parfuma® Rose

Rosa 'KORjuwko' - Milano™ Kolorscape® Rose

Rosa 'KORsixkono' - Kardinal™ Kolorscape® Rose

Rosa 'KORvodacom' - Plum Perfect™ Sunbelt® Rose

Rosa 'Lavender Veranda' - Lavender Veranda Rose

Rosa 'Lichfield Angel' - Lichfield Angel Rose

Rosa 'Love' - Love Rose

Rosa 'Love's Promise' - Love's Promise Rose

Rosa 'Marmalade Skies' - Marmalade Skies Rose

Rosa 'Meidrifora' - Coral Drift® Rose

Rosa 'Meiggili' - Peach Drift® Rose

Rosa 'Meihurge' - Lasting Peace Rose

Rosa 'Meiludere' - Mother Of Pearl Rose

Rosa 'MEInostair' - Sweet Mademoiselle Rose

Rosa 'Meipeporia' - Oso Easy Double Red® Rose

Rosa 'Meipluvia' - Adobe Sunrise Rose

Rosa 'Meiscarlebo' - Canyon Road™ Rose

Rosa 'Meisiastri' - Julio Iglesias™ Rose

Rosa 'Meiswetdom' - Sweet Drift® Rose

Rosa 'Meithatie' - Sweet Spirit™ Rose

Rosa 'Meitraligh' - Brick House™ Rose

Rosa 'Morten' - Linda Campbell Rose

Rosa 'Peace' - Peace Rose

Rosa 'Pope John Paul II' - Pope John Paul II Rose

Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth' - Queen Elizabeth Rose

Rosa 'Queen Of Sweden' - Queen Of Sweden Rose

Rosa 'Radcon' - Pink Knock Out® Rose

Rosa 'Radgor' - Peachy Knock Out® Rose

Rosa 'Radral' - Coral Knock Out® Rose

Rosa 'Radrazz' - Knock Out® Rose

Rosa 'Radsunny' - Sunny Knock Out® Rose

Rosa 'Radtko' - Double Knock Out® Rose

Rosa 'Radtko' - Knock Out® Double Red Rose

Rosa 'Radtkopink' - Pink Double Knock Out® Rose

Rosa 'Rainbow Sorbet' - Rainbow Sorbet Rose

Rosa 'SCRivo' - Pretty Lady Rose

Rosa 'Strawberry Hill' - Strawberry Hill Rose

Rosa 'Strike It Rich' - Strike It Rich Rose

Rosa 'Sunsprite' - Sunsprite Rose

Rosa 'Teasing Georgia' - Teasing Georgia Rose

Rosa 'Tess Of The D'Urbervilles' - Tess Of The D'Urbervilles Rose

Rosa 'The Poet's Wife' - The Poet's Wife Rose

Rosa 'Tropicana' - Tropicana Rose

Rosa 'Vavoom' - Vavoom Rose

Rosa 'WEKamanda' - St. Patrick™ Rose

Rosa 'WEKblufytirar' - Arctic Blue™ Rose

Rosa 'WEKcisfribo' - Oh My! Rose

Rosa 'WEKebtidere' - Twilight Zone Rose

Rosa 'WEKgrasucejuc' - All Dressed Up™ Rose

Rosa 'WEKjunjuc' - Sparkle And Shine Rose

Rosa 'WEKquaneze' - Barbra Streisand® Rose

Rosa 'WEKvosstuno' - Julia Child® Rose

Rosa 'WEKyoopedko' - Take It Easy Rose

Rosa 'WEKzazette' - Ketchup And Mustard Rose

Rosa 'Westerland' - Westerland Rose

Rosa rugosa - Rugosa Rose

Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg' - Moje Hammarberg Rose

Salix candida 'Jefberg' - Iceberg Alley® Sageleaf Willow

Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' - Tricolor Willow

Salvia leucophylla - Purple Sage

Sambucus canadensis - American Elder

Sambucus nigra 'Sanivalk' - Instant Karma® Elder

Sambucus nigra 'SNR1292' - Laced Up® Elder

Sambucus racemosa 'SMNSRD4' - Lemony Lace® Elder

Sciadopitys verticillata 'Picola' - Picola Umbrella Pine

Syringa 'Bailbridget' - Virtual Violet® Lilac

Syringa 'Jeflady' - Little Lady® Lilac

Syringa 'Josee' - Josee Lilac

Syringa 'SMNJRPI' - Bloomerang® Dwarf Pink Lilac

Syringa 'SMNJRPU' - Bloomerang® Dwarf Purple Lilac

Syringa 'SMSJBP7' - Bloomerang® Dark Purple Lilac

Syringa 'SMSXPM' - Scent And Sensibility™ Pink Lilac

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' - Dwarf Korean Lilac

Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' - Miss Kim Lilac

Syringa vulgaris - Common Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'Beauty of Moscow' - Beauty of Moscow Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'Belle de Nancy' - Belle de Nancy Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'Charles Joly' - Charles Joly Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'Ludwig Spaeth' - Ludwig Spaeth Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'Mme. Lemoine' - Mme. Lemoine Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'Nadezhda' - Nadezhda Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'President Grevy' - President Grevy Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'President Lincoln' - President Lincoln Lilac

Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation' - Sensation Lilac

Syringa x hyacinthiflora 'SMNSHBBL' - Scentara® Double Blue Lilac

Syringa x prestoniae 'James MacFarlane' - James MacFarlane Lilac

Syringa x prestoniae 'Minuet' - Minuet Lilac

Syringa x prestoniae 'Miss Canada' - Miss Canada Lilac

Syringa x prestoniae 'Royalty' - Royalty Lilac

Taxus baccata 'Amersfoort' * - Amersfoort English Yew

Taxus cuspidata 'Capitata' - Upright Japanese Yew

Taxus cuspidata 'Fastigiata' - Captain Upright Yew

Taxus x media 'Beanpole' * - Beanpole Yew

Taxus x media 'Brownii' - Brown's Yew

Taxus x media 'Citation' - Citation Yew

Taxus x media 'Densiformis' - Densiformis Yew

Taxus x media 'Everlow' - Everlow Yew

Taxus x media 'Fairview' * - Fairview Yew

Taxus x media 'Hicksii' - Hicks Yew

Taxus x media 'Hillii' * - Hill's Yew

Taxus x media 'Tauntonii' - Taunton's Yew

Taxus x media 'Wardii' - Ward's Yew

Thuja 'Steeplechase' - Steeplechase Arborvitae

Thuja 'Virginian' * - Virginian Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Anna Van Vloten' - Anna's Magic Ball® Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Art Boe' - North Pole® Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Bailjohn' * - Technito® Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Concesarini' - Pancake™ Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Congabe' - Fire Chief™ Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire' - Degroot's Spire Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe' - Golden Globe Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Holmstrup' - Holmstrup Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Jantar' - Amber Gold Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Linesville' - Linesville Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Little Giant' - Little Giant Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' - Rheingold Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' - Emerald Green Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd (spiral)' - Emerald Green Arborvitae (spiral)

Thuja occidentalis 'SMTOTM' - Thin Man® Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'SMTOYB' - Polar Gold® Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Techny' - Techny Arborvitae

Thuja occidentalis 'Woodwardii' - Woodwardii Arborvitae

Thuja orientalis 'Franky Boy' - Franky Boy Arborvitae

Thuja plicata 'Filifera' * - Filifera Threadleaf Arborvitae

Thuja plicata 'Grune Kugel' - Grune Kugel Arborvitae

Thuja plicata 'Whipcord' - Whipcord Arborvitae

Viburnum carlesii - Koreanspice Viburnum

Viburnum carlesii 'SMVCB' - Spice Baby™ Koreanspice Viburnum

Viburnum carlesii 'Spiro' - Spice Girl® Koreanspice Viburnum

Viburnum cassinoides 'SMNVCDD' - Lil' Ditty® Witherod Viburnum

Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' - Blue Muffin® Viburnum

Viburnum dentatum 'Ralph Senior' - Autumn Jazz Viburnum

Viburnum dentatum 'SMVDBL' - All That Glows® Viburnum

Viburnum dentatum 'SMVDLS' - All That Glitters® Viburnum

Viburnum dilatatum 'Henneke' - Cardinal Candy® Viburnum

Viburnum nudum 'Bulk' - Brandywine™ Viburnum

Viburnum nudum 'Winterthur' - Winterthur Viburnum

Viburnum opulus - European Cranberry

Viburnum opulus 'Compactum' - Compact European Cranberry

Viburnum plicatum 'PIIVIB-II' - First Editions® Opening Day™ Doublefile Viburnum

Viburnum plicatum 'Popcorn' - Popcorn Doublefile Viburnum

Viburnum plicatum 'Shasta' - Shasta Doublefile Viburnum

Viburnum plicatum 'SMVPTFD' - Wabi Sabi® Doublefile Viburnum

Viburnum plicatum 'Summer Snowflake' - Summer Snowflake Doublefile Viburnum

Viburnum rhytidophyllum - Leatherleaf Viburnum

Viburnum trilobum 'Wentworth' - Wentworth Highbush Cranberry

Viburnum x burkwoodii - Burkwood Viburnum

Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Mohawk' - Mohawk Viburnum

Viburnum x juddii - Judd's Viburnum

Viburnum x pragense - Prague Viburnum

Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' - Alleghany Viburnum

Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'NCVR1' - Emerald Envy® Lantanaphyllum Viburnum

Weigela 'Slingco 2' - Maroon Swoon® Weigela

Weigela 'Velda' - Tuxedo™ Weigela

Weigela florida 'Alexandra' - Wine and Roses® Weigela

Weigela florida 'Bokrarob' - Magical™ Robin Weigela

Weigela florida 'Bokrashine' - Shining Sensation™ Weigela

Weigela florida 'Bokrasopea' - Sonic Bloom® Pearl Reblooming Weigela

Weigela florida 'Bokrasopin' - Sonic Bloom® Pink Reblooming Weigela

Weigela florida 'Bramwell' - Fine Wine® Weigela

Weigela florida 'Kolmagira' - Rainbow Sensation® Weigela

Weigela florida 'SMNWFRP' - Sonic Bloom® Pure Pink Reblooming Weigela

Weigela florida 'Variegata' - Variegated Weigela

Weigela florida 'Verweig 6' - Sonic Bloom® Red Reblooming Weigela

Weigela florida 'VUKOZGemini' - Czechmark Trilogy® Weigela


English Garden Nurseries & Garden Centers Serve the Greater Clinton Twp., Dearborn Heights, Royal Oak, West Bloomfield, Eastpointe, and Plymouth Ann Arbor Michigan Areas

Providing garden centers complete with full service landscaping, seasonal holiday stores including their enchanting Christmas Stores, and most locations even offer a full service in house florist

English Gardens Detroit MI area nurseries & garden centers are not only the areas largest garden nurseries, but they offer the largest selection of products and services found anywhere in the Clinton Twp., Dearborn Heights, Royal Oak, West Bloomfield, Eastpointe, and Plymouth Ann Arbor Michigan regions providing full service garden centers, full service landscaping and landscape design, seasonal holiday stores including their enchanting Christmas Stores, the largest selection of Patio Furniture in Michigan, and most locations even offer a full service in house florist for flower arrangements for every day as well as those special occasions such as wedding flowers, event flowers, sympathy and funeral flower arrangements, prom flowers, and more!

Our nurseries and garden centers have the areas largest selection of plants, flowers, shrubs, annuals, perennials, and patio furniture. Garden supplies are in abundance, with everything from garden tools and accessories, to garden and potting soil, mulches, bagged garden stone, pots and so much more. We have everything you need for your outdoor gardening needs.

Landscaping? Count on the professional landscape contractors and designers at English Gardens to Make Your Property Beautiful! We offer both DIY landscaping assistance and full service landscape design and construction with our in house landscaping company.

Our floral designers can create perfect floral arrangements for weddings, events, funerals, proms and the like. Make the moment beautiful.

Our Christmas Stores in addition to being one of the areas best holiday experiences, are filled with live and life-like artificial Christmas trees, including flocked artificial Christmas trees, and those sometimes hard to come by 9 foot flocked artificial Christmas trees, as well as a large, ready to take home inventory, of 3 foot artificial Christmas trees, 4 foot artificial Christmas trees, 5 foot artificial Christmas trees, 7.5 foot artificial Christmas trees, 9 foot artificial Christmas trees and 12 foot artificial Christmas trees, and all of the other holiday items you need like Christmas lights, decorations, Christmas wreaths & garland of all types, and unique gifts. Make the Holiday beautiful!

English Gardens store by store offerings in the Clinton Twp., Dearborn Heights, Royal Oak, West Bloomfield, Eastpointe, and Plymouth Ann Arbor Michigan areas;

Clinton Twp. Garden Centers:

Dearborn Heights Garden Center:

Royal Oak Garden Center:

West Bloomfield Garden Center:

Eastpointe Garden Center:

Plymouth Ann Arbor Garden Center:


Be sure to visit any one of our Garden Centers for the largest selection of products and services the area has to offer. If you have any questions please call one of our stores directly in Clinton Twp., Dearborn Heights, Royal Oak, West Bloomfield, Eastpointe, and Plymouth Ann Arbor Michigan for friendly, prompt help.

Clinton Township, MI

44850 Garfield Rd. at Hall Rd.
Clinton Twp., Michigan 48038

Phone Numbers
Phone: (586) 286-6100
Fax: (586) 286-0033

Dearborn Heights, MI

22650 Ford Rd. at Outer Dr.
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127

Phone Numbers
Nursery: (313) 278-4433
Florist: (313) 565-8133
Fax: (313) 278-0459

Eastpointe, MI

22501 Kelly Rd. at Nine Mile Rd.
Eastpointe, Michigan

Phone Numbers
Phone: (586) 771-4200
Fax: (586) 771-4894

Plymouth/Ann Arbor, MI

9900 Ann Arbor Road W.
Plymouth, Michigan

Phone Numbers
Phone: (734) 453-5500

Royal Oak, MI

4901 Coolidge Hwy,
Royal Oak, Michigan

Phone Numbers
Phone: (248) 280-9500
Fax: (248) 280-2688

West Bloomfield, MI

6370 Orchard Lake Rd. at Maple
West Bloomfield Township, Michigan

Phone Numbers
Phone: (248) 851-7506
Fax: (248) 539-4738

Patio Furniture from English Gardens of Michigan

Patio Lounge Chairs
Patio Furniture Showrooms
Bistro Sets
Outdoor Dining Sets
Outdoor Sectionals

Make Life Beautiful! Come to English Gardens Today!

Don’t forget to come visit our enchanted Christmas Stores! We have by far the areas largest display of pre-lit and unlit Christmas trees, both Live and Artificial Life-Like Christmas trees in all sizes and varieties, the areas largest selection of Christmas lights in a variety of lengths, sizes, bulb types including energy efficient, and long lasting ,state of the art, LED Christmas lights, Christmas Garland, Christmas wreaths, Christmas decorations, and that perfect gift for that special someone!

Make Christmas Beautiful! Come to English Gardens This Christmas, It’s Fun For The Whole Family!

When it comes to the holidays other than Christmas, you won’t be disappointed, From July 4th, to Labor Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Mothers and Fathers Day and more, you guessed it, you can count on English Gardens to Make the Holiday Beautiful!

Make the Holidays Beautiful! Come to English Gardens!

At the end of the day, we all enjoy putting a smile on our, and other’s faces, come to English Gardens at any one of our convenient locations and Make Today Beautiful!

Make Today Beautiful! Come to English Gardens!

Christmas at English Gardens

Where to Buy Frosted Christmas Trees in Michigan

The best artificial Christmas Trees in Michigan

Christmas Tree Sale

Where to Buy Mini Lit Christmas Trees in Michigan

Choose the right pencil Christmas tree this holiday season

Pre Lit Artificial Christmas Trees

Pre Lit Christmas Trees

White Lit Christmas Trees

Slim Flocked Christmas Trees

Slim Christmas Trees

Skinny Pre Lit Christmas Tree

Outdoor Lit Christmas Trees

Fake Christmas Trees


Plant, Tree, Shrub and Gardening Supplies Highlights